
It’s a ClickHaskell documentation compiler code
which is powered by Hakyll static compiler

You can start live server on via cabal

cabal run documentation-compiler -- watch

or build static site via cabal or nix wrapper

cabal run documentation-compiler -- build
nix build .#documentation


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module DocumentationCompiler where

import GHC.IO.Encoding as Encoding (setLocaleEncoding, utf8)
import System.FilePath
  ( (</>), normalise, dropFileName, dropExtension
  , replaceExtension, takeBaseName, replaceFileName
import Hakyll

main :: IO ()
main = do
  Encoding.setLocaleEncoding Encoding.utf8

  hakyllWith defaultConfiguration{providerDirectory="."} $ do

    -- html templates
    match "contribution/template.html" $ compile templateCompiler

    let -- documentation content
        pattern = ("**.lhs" .||. "**.md") .&&. (complement "")

        -- tranforms file paths to actual links
        filePathToUrlPath filePath =
          case takeBaseName filePath of
            "README" -> replaceFileName filePath "index.html"
            _        -> replaceExtension filePath "html"

        -- beautifies urls for navigation bar
        beautifyUrl path
          | takeBaseName path == "index" = normalise ("/" </> dropFileName path)
          | otherwise                    = normalise ("/" </> path)
    -- documentation references compilation
    match pattern $ do
      route (customRoute $ filePathToUrlPath . toFilePath)
      compile $ do
        -- load all used file paths to pass it into <nav>
        navigation <-
          traverse (makeItem . beautifyUrl . filePathToUrlPath . toFilePath)
            =<< getMatches pattern

        -- compile every file
              (defaultContext <> mkNavigationCtx navigation)
          >>= relativizeUrls

mkNavigationCtx :: [Item FilePath] -> Context String
mkNavigationCtx navigation =
      [ field "link"     (pure . itemBody)
      , field "linkName" (pure . dropExtension . itemBody)
    (pure navigation)